Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile or the color of your teeth? If so, then cosmetic care dentistry can offer you the results you want. This type of dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of a person’s smile, often through various dental procedures aimed at improving the aesthetics of teeth, gums, and overall oral structure. 

Beyond just achieving a beautiful smile, cosmetic dentistry plays a significant role in boosting confidence and self-esteem by addressing imperfections such as discoloration, misalignment, or irregularities. By utilizing advanced techniques and materials, cosmetic dentists can tailor treatments to meet individual needs, resulting in natural-looking, radiant smiles that leave a lasting impression.

Here are a few of the Cosmetic Care Services We Offer:

Invisalign: Invisalign is an alternative to braces for candidates who qualify. Once it is determined that a patient is a good candidate, records are completed. This consists of impressions or scans of the teeth, and several pictures. This information is then sent to Invisalign who determines the length of the treatment, and amount of trays the patient will need. Trays are typically changed out every 2 weeks. Once we get that information, the patient will be called in for a clin-check to go over the information. Our office requires payment prior to ordering the Invisalign materials. Once the materials are ordered and arrive, the patient will come in to have attachments placed and start treatment. Attachments are small pieces of composite placed on the teeth in the areas determined by Invisalign to help hold the clear trays in place. Patients are expected to wear these trays all the time, except for when eating or drinking. Lack of wearing trays will delay treatment progress. The patient will come in about every 6 weeks to check on progress and get new trays.

Veneers: Veneers are custom made shells that cover the front of your teeth. They are typically cosmetic and used to hide chips, cracks, or stains on the teeth. Veneers, unlike crowns, only cover a portion of the tooth, and don’t protect the integrity of the tooth. However, the process for completing veneers are completed in the same process as a crown.

Whitening Strips: Whitening Strips are a small piece of plastic that goes around the front of the teeth to help keep them white. They contain a safe amount of peroxide and other chemicals to lighten the shade of the tooth enamel. These are worn approximately 30 minutes to an hour each day for several days.

Custom-made Whitening Trays: Custom made trays are more expensive than Whitening Strips, but last longer. An impression of the patient’s teeth will be made in the office, and clear trays will be made from those impressions. Whitening bleach can be purchased to place in the trays and be worn for short periods of time. The trays are reusable, and the bleach can be purchased in the office.

Bondings: Bondings are filling material used to close gaps, cover stains, or other cosmetic discrepancies. There are no permanent alterations to the tooth structure because no drilling or anesthetic is necessary.

Retainers: After ortho treatment, patients are expected to wear clear retainers or have a lingual bar retainer. This is used to help prevent teeth from shifting to their pre-ortho locations. Sometimes these bars come loose and need to be bonded back on, or the clear tray retainers wear down. These can be made new with an impression in the office and sent to a lab.

Address1408 Crown Dr, Kirksville, MO 63501

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Address1408 Crown Dr, Kirksville, MO 63501

What to Expect at Your Appointment

At your appointment for dental preventative care, our priority is ensuring your smile receives the meticulous attention it deserves. The session typically commences with a comprehensive dental cleaning and examination, where our skilled professionals meticulously remove plaque and tartar buildup, providing a fresh foundation for optimal oral health. This process not only helps prevent cavities but also allows us to identify early signs of potential issues, enabling proactive intervention.

As part of our commitment to preventative care, fluoride treatments may be offered to strengthen your teeth, reducing the risk of decay. Additionally, dental sealants may be applied to molars to provide an extra layer of protection against bacteria and cavities, especially in hard-to-reach areas. Throughout your appointment, our team takes the time to educate you on personalized oral hygiene practices, offering guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques tailored to your unique dental needs. By the end of your visit, you’ll not only leave with a refreshed and clean smile but also armed with knowledge and tools to actively contribute to the ongoing health of your teeth.